
Nexus Pacific Sourcing

software for less


A short focused research exercise was carried out to explore and identify potential areas for the application of non-disruptive open source based software. This was intended to identify ‘equivalent’ software which can be considered alongside current counterparts in the shorter term. A summarised list of results is provided further on in Table 6 - List of Corporate Desktop Software and Alternative OSS.

The desktop environment or rather more specifically in this context the typical office automation element can be considered and employed as a showcase to demonstrate the benefits of OSS. Identifying and gauging the effectiveness, potential and repercussions of implementing an alternative office automation desktop, is therefore considered a key opportunity. In this context, an office automation desktop can be typically considered to consist of an operating system, a word processor / spreadsheet / email and internet browser capitalizing on the processing power of individual personal computers available at the users end.

The basic compatibility between office automation tools shows that the degree of compatibility between word processing counterparts, in terms of normal in line document content conversion, is considered adequate. Layout conversion is noted to be as less accurate. Similarly spreadsheet elements can also interoperate well at their basic level, given that no exotic features (including internal automations) are used. On the other hand, the web browsing experience should not be affected if websites implement and adhere to industry standards.

The email scenario within Government merits a distinctive approach due to a number of factors that include the limited availability of OSS client alternatives in the current corporate context and supporting operational framework. Webification21 of email services and provisioning is on the increase, and as such should be considered as a plausible option, in conjunction with the support of open standards. This is currently being actively considered under its respective strategic coverage and in a separate paper

‘Intranet’ platform

During 2010 MITA will: - Run an OSOR ‘Intranet’ platform, built on OSS. - Carry out research on tools to establish a national OSOR and Forge. During 2011 MITA will: - Establish a National OSOR. - Distribute public software as OSS. - Adopt community principles for the maintenance of OSS Government software. - Promote the takeup of the National OSOR.Collaborate and Federate with http://osor.eu and other European National Forges. MITA will establish further links through technical and diplomatic channels to share experience and participate with the best of breed in European OSS, with the aim of further re-dimensionalising Malta’s technological boundaries. In this regard, MITA will keep a close watch on the European Commission’s ISA programme and associated initiatives, with particular attention to OSOR.eu. Increased collaboration with other European National Forges is expected during the coming three years in view of the increased cross-border collaboration between European Member States with respect to the digital Agenda.

5.8 Open Source observatory and forge 5.9 Collaboration with EU, vendors and communities - Establishment of OSOR as a key driver for appropriate OSS awareness within Government. - Establishment of Forge as a primary source for Government (Public) software that is distributed as Open Source. - Enable collaboration between entities with different skill sets. - Encourage collaboration between Public Administration and OSS communities in the development of Open Source Software.

- Enable wider re-use of procured software. Re-use opportunities can be extended to a pan-European level context and beyond. - Increased nurturing of an OSS eco-system. - Provides a way for the measurement of OSS proliferation within Government. Benefits 21 MITA will also seek to increase OSS participation at European Level, through participation and exposure during major, related events. MITA will also seek to setup strategic alliances with OSS vendors and communities to increase OSS awareness through education programmes and professional skills transfer, with a major focus on the local communities. MITA will actively explore the possibility for organising a local annual OSS Conference with the participation of different stakeholders, including European Commission representatives, OSS Vendors and OSS Communities. MITA may consider encouraging the local market / vendors to organise such an event.

During 2010 MITA will: - Seek to increase participation in key OSS events. - Establish wider networking with European National Forges. - Collaborate and participate at European Commission related events. - Identify the first OSS vendors for Vertical Strategic Alliances negotiations During 2011 MITA will:

- Establish a number of OSS strategic partners - Carry out a study on the readiness of the local industry to adopt OSS, and identify the benefits and costs of OSS for SMEs and larger organisations.. - Research and evaluate the possibility to organise a local national OSS conference. During 2012 MITA will: - Establish way to organise, or drive the organisation, of the first local national OSS conference.